
IRCI hosted an international experts meeting on “Mapping Research for the Safeguarding of ICH in the Asia-Pacific Region” (February 2014)

IRCI is conducting the project entitled “Mapping Research for the Safeguarding of ICH in the Asia-Pacific Region” based on the work plan approved by the 2nd IRCI Governing Board Meeting. This project is intended to contribute to the safeguarding of ICH through examining the research regarding the safeguarding of ICH in the said region and having in-depth discussions on key issues.

As part of the project for FY 2013, IRCI convened an international experts meeting at the UNESCO Office in Bangkok, Thailand, on 19-20 February 2014, with the participation of 13 ICH experts from the Asia-Pacific region. At this meeting, the experts reported on the current status of ICH safeguarding, identified key issues in conducting a research in this field, and provided recommendations for future directions of this project.

For FY 2014, IRCI continues this project with reference to the issues identified and recommendations provided at this meeting. Outcomes of the project will be reported on this website.