Workshop/Working sessions
IRCI researcher lectured at Sakai City’s Seminar for Understanding ICH on 1 December 2024
On 1 December 2024, the 45th Seminar for Understanding ICH and workshop, co-organized by Sakai City and IRCI, was held at Sakai City Museum Hall. This is one of the series of seminars coordinated by Sakai City for its citizens to promote the importan…
The Second Online Workshop of the Publication Programme for Early Career Researchers was held on 29 October 2024
IRCI held the Second Online Workshop of the ‘Publication Programme for Early Career Researchers’ on 29 October 2024, as part of the project of Asia-Pacific ICH Safeguarding Research Forum. The Programme, which started on 1 October 2024 wi…
The Publication Programme for Early Career Researchers was launched with the Kick-off Workshop on 1 October 2024
Through the Asia-Pacific ICH Safeguarding Research Forum, a platform established in FY 2022, IRCI has been organizing research seminars and other events. The Forum aims to encourage researchers and research institutions in the Asia-Pacific region to …
Workshop in Siem Reap, Cambodia, was held on 18-19 March 2024
In the IRCI project, ‘Research on ICH Contribution to SDGs: Intangible Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Cities and Communities’, three case studies have been conducted in the Angkor region of Cambodia, George Town of Malaysia, and the Ma…
Final Workshop of the Research on ICH Safeguarding and Disaster Risk Management Project was held in Nara (27-29 September 2023)
IRCI held the Final Workshop of the IRCI project ‘Research on ICH Safeguarding and Disaster Risk Management’ (FY 2020–2023) in Nara from 27 to 29 September 2023. The workshop was co-organized with the Cultural Heritage Disaster Risk Management Center…
IRCI held a Working Session for Collecting Research Information Related to ICH and Its Safeguarding targeting SIDS (21 February 2023, Online)
IRCI held an online working session inviting cooperating institutions in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) under the project “Sustainable Research Data Collection for ICH Safeguarding: Focusing on Central Asia and Small Island Developing States” …
IRCI held a Workshop Targeting Central Asia for Collecting Research Information Related to ICH and its Safeguarding (10 August 2022, Online)
IRCI held an online workshop inviting cooperating institutions in Central Asia under the project “Sustainable Research Data Collection for ICH Safeguarding: Focusing on Central Asia and Small Island Developing States” on 10 August 2022. S…
ICH’s contributions to SDGs: Workshop in Bangladesh (November 2021)
On 9 November 2021, IRCI held an online workshop “Stakeholders Workshop on Dhamail song of Sylhet region” was held in cooperation with Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM) in Bangladesh. The workshop was part of IRCI’s project “ICH’s contributions to SDGs – E…
ICH’s contributions to SDGs: Workshop in Indonesia (November 2021)
On 4 November 2021, IRCI held a workshop “The role of Kethoprak art in improving the quality of character education for students and supporting sustainable community development in Klaten” in Klaten, Indonesia, in cooperation with Dewi Fortuna Commun…
SDGs International Workshop in Tokyo (November 2019)
IRCI organised the International workshop under the project of “ICH’s Contribution towards SDGs” on 28 and 29 November 2019 at the Tokyo National Museum. IRCI planned and has been implementing this project under two-year research project of ICH’s con…
SDGs Workshop & School Visit in Hanoi, Viet Nam (October 2019)
In FY 2018, under the project of “ICH’s Contribution towards SDGs”, IRCI created the Guidelines to incorporate ICH into the secondary school curriculum. From October 24 to 25, to verify the effectiveness of the guidelines, a school observation and wo…
SDGs Workshop in the Philippines (October 2019)
From October 7 to 8, a workshop under the project of “ICH’s Contribution towards SDGs”, with the cooperation of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) was held in Manila, the Philippines. In FY 2018, IRCI created the Guidelines to in…
Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Natural Disasters was held in Sendai, Japan
IRCI organised ‘Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Natural Disasters’ from 7 to 9 December 2018 at Sendai International Center and in Onagawa Town, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. The workshop was co-organised by Tokyo Natio…
“Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Natural Disasters” will be held in Sendai from 7 to 9 December 2018
IRCI organises “Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Natural Disasters” from 7 to 9 December 2018 at Sendai International Center and in Onagawa Town, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. The workshop is co-organised by Tokyo Nation…
International Working Group Session on “Preliminary Research on ICH Safeguarding and Disaster-Risk Management in the Asia-Pacific Region” (January 2017)
IRCI held the International Working Group Session of the project “Preliminary Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Disaster-Risk Management in the Asia-Pacific Region” on 30 January 2017, at the Tokyo National Museum. IRCI organised in FY 201…
“Tool Kit for Planning Legal Mechanisms” developed in the Final Workshop on the Study of Legal Systems Related to ICH in the Greater Mekong Region held in Ha Noi
“Study of Legal Systems related to Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Greater Mekong Region” started in 2013. The project aims to analyse the legal systems to safeguard intangible cultural heritage (ICH) including laws and regulations, policies and …
2nd Working Group Session held under the project “Preliminary Research on ICH Safeguarding and Disaster-Risk Management in the Asia-Pacific Region” (November 2016)
On 11 November 2016, IRCI organised the 2nd Working Group Session of the project “Preliminary Research on ICH Safeguarding and Disaster-Risk Management in the Asia-Pacific Region” at the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties. The …
Launch of IRCI’s new research project focusing on natural disasters and ICH
Following the decision made at the 4th Governing Board Meeting (25 September 2015), IRCI adopted a new Medium-term Programme (2016-2020), which emphasises the theme of “ICH Safeguarding and Disaster Risk Management” as one of the activity focuses. Ac…
A workshop on the Study of Legal Systems Related to Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Greater Mekong Region was held in Toyama Prefecture
“IRCI 2nd Workshop on the Study of Legal Systems Related to Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Greater Mekong Region” was held on 17-19 December 2015, at Toyama Prefectural Civic Centre in Toyama City. The workshop was attended by 23 exp…
IRCI hosted “Intensive Working Session on Intangible Cultural Heritage Documentation as a Tool for Community-led Safeguarding Activities”
Since FY 2011, IRCI has been conducting the project titled “Documentation of ICH as a Tool for Community-led Safeguarding Activities”. As the concluding activity of the final year of the above project, an intensive working session was held in Tokyo o…
IRCI hosted “Workshop on the Roles of the Community Centre in ICH Revitalization: A Case Study of Dong Ho Woodblock Printing”
IRCI and Vietnam Institute for Cultural and Arts Studies (VICAS) cohosted “Workshop on the Roles of the Community Centre in ICH Revitalization: A Case Study of Dong Ho Woodblock Printing” on 27-28 January 2015 in Bak Ninh Province and Hanoi. Ten prac…
IRCI hosted an international workshop “IRCI 1st Workshop on the Study of Legal Systems Related to Intangible Cultural Heritage in Southeast Asia”
In cooperation with Kyushu University’s Faculty of Law, IRCI convened an international workshop on 19-20 December 2014 at the Hakozaki Campus. The workshop was programmed as part of the project titled “Study of Legal Systems Related to Intangible Cul…
Documentation of ICH as a Tool for Community Safeguarding Activities
IRCI held the “2nd Workshop for Young Film Makers for ICH Video Documentation” at the Tokyo National Museum on 4-6 February 2014. This workshop, which was attended by 10 participants from Asian countries, was a follow-up to the “Workshop on Intangibl…
- Climate change
- Cooperation with Sakai City
- the 2003 Convention
- Research Data Collection
- Creation of Research Forum
- SDGs
- Natural hazards
- COVID-19 Pandemic
- Post-conflict
- Endangered ICH
- Documentation
- Legal systems
- Workshop/Working sessions
- Seminars
- Conferences/Meetings
- Symposiums/Forums
- Field research
- Visits
- Governing Board Meetings
- Publications
- Information
- Others