
International Working Group Session on “Preliminary Research on ICH Safeguarding and Disaster-Risk Management in the Asia-Pacific Region” (January 2017)

Participants and contributors to the session

IRCI held the International Working Group Session of the project “Preliminary Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Disaster-Risk Management in the Asia-Pacific Region” on 30 January 2017, at the Tokyo National Museum.

IRCI organised in FY 2016 a series of working group sessions, to explore possible approaches and ideas for further project activities by inviting experts in disaster studies from various academic disciplines as guest speakers, and this event was programmed as the 3rd session. With an intention of summarising the activities in the first project year and exchanging experiences and ideas in the wider Asia-Pacific perspective, IRCI extended the scale of the session and invited Asia-Pacific researchers in the fields of culture, heritage, and disaster risk management. The meeting was also attended by a number of researchers from the Tokyo National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, who have been cooperating in the project.

The event was comprised of two parts. In the morning session, IRCI for the first time invited a DRM specialist as a guest speaker, and Dr Rajib Shaw (Executive Director, Integrated Research on Disaster Risk) delivered a talk entitled “Science Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction: The Missing Link,” introducing his rich experiences in Asia. In the afternoon, Asia-Pacific participants shared the country situations and case studies in Bangladesh, Philippines, Fiji, and Vanuatu, followed by discussions. This event was an excellent opportunity for Asia-Pacific researchers to discuss together the common issues of ICH in the context of natural disasters. Reflecting rich information and ideas shared at the working group session, IRCI and Asia-Pacific participants had a follow-up discussion the next day regarding further project activities in the following years.

Contact Yoko Nojima (IRCI) for further inquiries.


  • Dr Rajib Shaw’s talk on disaster risk reduction and indigenous knowledge in Asia

  • Follow-up discussion among Asia-Pacific researchers (31 January, Tokyo)