The 2nd IRCI Governing Board Meeting

The second Governing Board Meeting was held on 21 October 2013 in Kyoto. The representatives from UNESCO and two of the governments of the Member States of UNESCO attended among the 9 Board Members. Additionally those from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Institutes for Cultural Heritage joined as observers.
IRCI’s Medium-term Programme, projects, budget were mainly discussed and approved, together with the following topics;
Reform of the Advisory Body
With a purpose of the full utilisation of profound knowledge, the limit of the member was increased and the experts from wider parts of the Asia-Pacific region such as India and Fiji were apointed as new members of the Advisory Body.
Report on the activities and financial statements
Activities and financial statements from the opening of IRCI to the end of FY 2012 were reviewed and approved
IRCI’s Medium-term Programme
A new Medium-term Programme, fully conformed with UNESCO’s Medium-term Strategy, was formulated.
Work plan and budget for FY2013-2014
The priority areas of the projects to be conducted over the next two to three years were determined as Research for Safeguarding Endangered ICH in the Asia-Pacific Region, and Mapping Studies on the safeguarding of ICH in the said region. Seven projects will be established to accomplish results in these two priority areas.
- Climate change
- Cooperation with Sakai City
- the 2003 Convention
- Research Data Collection
- Creation of Research Forum
- SDGs
- Natural hazards
- COVID-19 Pandemic
- Post-conflict
- Endangered ICH
- Documentation
- Legal systems
- Workshop/Working sessions
- Seminars
- Conferences/Meetings
- Symposiums/Forums
- Field research
- Visits
- Governing Board Meetings
- Publications
- Information
- Others